*Some airports may require an additional fuel surcharge that is not included in the below pricing.
Your block hours used are wheels up to wheels down.
Minimum leg charge is 1.0 flight hours.
Block Cards have a 12-month calendar (365 day) expiration. If there are less than 8 hours remaining prior to expiration and you are re-filling, we will allow a 1 time carryover.
Fuel is billed at $550.00 per full hour.
Landing fees are $150.00 per landing.
Reposition flight time deducts from account balance.
We provide 6 minutes of taxi time on each leg at no charge. (That is usually plenty to taxi out and in) Any additional taxi time is billed in .1 or 6 minute increments.
Crew Hotel Overnights are billed: Domestic $250 / International $350 per pilot/per night.
All flights are dual crew with estimated: Captain $775 / Copilot $775.
$100 logistics admin charge per trip.
Reservations are simple.... Email or call and we can set you up.